Visit by students of the Korean school
Saturday, May 20, 2017, 60 students and 10 teachers of the Korean school at Amstelveen visited our village. They were picked up by a coach of Hotel De Rijper Eilanden and were welcomed by our village crier Jan Geert the First with his specially arranged "cry".
In the Main Church the chairman of the foundation welcomed everybody and there was coffee or tea. Then the students were divided into three groups. A group was given an explanation of the image of Jan Janszoon Weltevree next to the church. The second group visited the museum In 't Houten huis and the third group visited the town hall. Here the film of The Land of Leeghwater was displayed in Korean. They also got an explanation of the designer and builder of the town hall, Jan Adriaanszn.Leeghwater. Each 20 minutes the groups rotated.
Finally, all students watched a boat going through the lock. The difference in water level between the Tuingracht and the Eilandspolder was explained to them. Although the weather was not well-disposed towards us the day was successful.